Cycles Approach: Sample Session

The Cycles Approach is a treatment technique used when treating severe phonological processes. The following example is what a treatment session should look like using the Cycles Approach.

1.The first step involves treatment planning. The clinician needs to pick a present phonological process from Hodson’s “primary set” of targets and 2 phonemes that will be targeted.

2.Next, the clinician will need to have a list of 12-15 target words to use in an auditory bombardment task. The clinician will set a timer for 1-2 minutes and repeat these words naturally, instructing the child to watch his or her mouth.

3.The clinician will pick 3-5 of the target words and have the student draw, color, or write them on piece of paper.

4.The next step involves targeting the selected words through play. The student and clinician will take turns saying the 3-5 words that were selected in the previous step. The clinician will provide models and cues to help the child reach 100% accuracy.

5.Next, the clinician will probe the child with some other words not practiced that contain the target phonemes for this cycle. Whichever words are the easiest for the child to say will be used in step 3 of the next session.

6.Lastly, the clinician will repeat step 2 saying target words naturally.

Each process should be targeted for 60 minutes (three 20-minute sessions) before moving onto the next pattern/process.

Bella Barrett M.S., CF-SLP


Clark, C. (2024, February 15). Cycles approach for speech therapy: Steps and therapy plan. Speech And Language Kids.
