Easy and Fun Articulation Activity

I am sure most SLPs can agree that it can be difficult to think of easy and engaging articulation therapy activities to work on with our students in school! I have found a very fun and easy activity that students can do while they work on practicing their sounds. You will need the following items:

  1. Small sound cards
  2. Small sticky hands: https://a.co/d/cX4kKVN

Creating your therapy materials:

Start off by making sound cards to target your specific speech sounds. You can always find these on the internet and print them off or you can create your own by writing out various words on the cards. You can be as creative as you would like by drawing pictures on the cards or coloring them. You can also laminate the cards, which can help them to last longer and can be used for other therapy activities. After you have created your card deck, you will need a small sticky hand. These are easy to find on Amazon (linked above) and they are super cheap! I keep a pack in my supply closet at my school!

Setting up the activity:

Lay various sound cards face down on the table. Give the student a sticky hand and have them work to “catch” the cards with the sticky hand. After they catch the card have them practice their speech sound! This is a great drill activity and you can have the student create phrases and sentences with the words. Many of my students love this activity and it is very motivating!

Emily Burroughs, CF-SLP
